Tell the nurse you're in pain

From Create Your Own Story

"All right. Can I get your information, and the doctor will be right in." the nurse says, handing you a clip board with a few sheets of forms for you to fill out.

You sit down in a nearby chair, and write down your information. Leaving out a few minor details, like formerly being a male orc and such. But then it asks for your name, and you pause, before writing Daisy. Soon after, a human in a white coat comes out, and you stand, assuming he's the doctor.

You hand back the clipboard to the nurse, and follow the doctor to the back. You sit down in the examination table, and he does a quick physical on you.

"So, what seems to be the problem?"

With a blush you respond, "My um... my loins ache every morning."

"Yes, well, having sex with a minotaur will do that."

You gasp, "What? H-how did you know?"

He puts his tools away and washes his hands. "You smell like Gurach. So that can only mean that you are his wife."

You blush and lower your head. "Is... is there anything you can do?"

"Sure. I have a couple solutions actually." Your head springs up, and he laughs. "I can give you a shot that will turn pain into pleasure for you. But you have to be careful with it, as even stubbing your toe will feel good, but will still cause damage. I can also operate on your passage to make it softer and stretch further. Or, I can give you some minotaur blood for you to drink. While this will make your body bigger, and more accommodating to Gurach, it will also make you accept his seed and able to carry a child from him. However, drinking minotaur blood is highly dangerous and could potentially kill you. If all of these sound too scary I can just give you a cream to rub along your vagina to ease the pain after each love making."

Health Horny, female orc, mated to Gurach, aching loins, named Daisy Equipment:

commoner clothes

Experience Minotaur's wife
HP 100
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