Tell him "yes, and you can do whatever with the pictures, post them to social media if you want."

From Create Your Own Story

You nervously lick your lips as you think about your pending answer. As big a step as you've already taken, this could be an even bigger one. Are you seriously ready for it?

Yes, yes you are.

"Y-yeah. You can take pictures of me like this." You gesture to yourself in all your bared glory. "And you can do whatever you want with them! Even post them to social media if you want. Hell, make sure to tag me if you do."

This was definitely not the answer either of your parents were expecting. Your brother, on the other hand, is grinning wildly and giving both thumbs up this time. One of those thumbs quickly goes away as he realizes he has his own phone to take pictures with and grabs that. "Man, my friends are gonna go nuts when they see these and hear the story. Hey Claire, wanna pose for the camera?"

Do you:

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