Take the book with you and try the words on the front door

From Create Your Own Story

You take the black book with you to the front door. You raise your hand at the door and say “flamma recedo”. Noting happens. You grunt a mild disappointment and then say it again with more conviction. A burst of energy shoots out from your hand that engulfs the door. The ward is no more and you are left astonished with what just happened. The energy that flowed to your hand felt great, noting can compare to it. It feels like a lost part of you has just returned, the part that governs your power. You browse through the book quickly. There are many pages like this, designed to do feats of wonders and expand the user’s consciousness. It´s content is bewildering to you but you feel the curiosity of a child as you quickly browse the pages. You squeeze the book into your pocket and leave the building.

You breathe a sound of relief as you are finally able to leave this building. You go out into the sunlight and its warm rays shine on down on you. It’s a sunny December day. Fresh snow lay on the pavement and the people walking by are wearing warm jackets. At this moment your violent cough returns. You cough so hard that your throat begins to sting. You are forced to support yourself on your knees to keep your composure. As the violent coughing stops you begin to feel just how tired you really are. Best to find a safe spot soon. You can see a cheap hotel in the distance but maybe you should go into a nearby neighborhood grocery shop to get something to drink.

Go into the neighborhood grocery shop

Go to the cheap hotel

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