TT V Stay the night in the castle

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to stay in the castle for now. You can't imagine going to sleep tonight, though.

Instead, you restlessly stalk through the castle, stake in hand. You don't meet any other vampires though. You don't meet anything else at all.

By the time dawn rolls around, you're exhasuted. You make your way down the mountain and into town. It's eerily quiet in the misty morning. You knock on the inn door. After a couple minutes there's no answer, so you pound on it again. This time it opens just a crack. Herr Gauman looks out at you, clearly surprised. "Miss Parker! You look terrible!"

"Can you let me in please?"

"Oh. Of course. What happened to you?"

Over a cup of terrible coffee, you explain yesterday's events to Herr Gauman, leaving out a few of the more personal parts. "It probably sounds crazy." you finish.

He purses his lips. "Not that crazy. What did he look like?"

You describe Walfreid von Furchstam in as much detail as you can remember.

"Hm." says Herr Gauman. "Could be him. Well, I guess we'll see if he's really gone or not. I believe you, by the way."

In small towns, nothing stays a secret for long. This one is no exception. News of your adventure spreads, and everyone wants to ask you about it.

When they learn that you're still searching for the rightful heir of the castle, the townspeaople very helpful in your search. Herr Gauman gives you access to Michael's room, and some of his notes give you leads. Hans calls in a favor with an official in the nearby city, and your requests for information get shunted to the front. Two days later, you've located the living Walfreid von Furchstam.

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