TT: look around

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to search the stairwell. There has to be something here. You're sure you passed this way on your way in.

You dust off all the dirt and clear off the debris, looking for hidden switches. You push every brick and trace every seam. Your diligence pays off. One of the walls yields to your prodding. You coax it into swinging inward, where it covers up the passage you just came through and reveals a new one.

You walk down this passage. You see a doorway and poke your head in. It's the records room. You're going the right way! Daylight shines through the window. You're somewhat surprised. You've been in the dark so long it feels like it should be night. You look closer at the view the window provides. The shadows are starting to get long. You may not make it to town before dark. You don't even consider staying in the castle overnight. Not with the undead living here. However, you need to decide if you're going to take some of your precious time looking for a weapon.

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