TT: Center

From Create Your Own Story

You take the center door- the one behind you.

The door leads to a short hallway with a heavy wooden door at the end. You push the door open and find yourself in a huge, bright, high ceilinged room. In the middle is a table that is rather too small for the room's grandeur, and seated at the table is doctor Kreuger. There's another place setting at the other end.

"Melissa!" he calls, "What a pleasure it is for you to join me! I'd just sent Igor to fetch you for lunch. Please, sit down."

You realize that you haven't eaten for about a day. Lunch sounds very good right now. As you sit down, the doctor's eyes never leave you. It makes you a bit uncomfortable.

Doctor Kreuger asks, "Did you sleep well, Miss Parker?"

"Yes, Doctor Kreuger. Very well. Thank you for your hospitality, but after the meal, I should probably be going. I have an appointment to keep in Schlechter Vielfrass."

"Please, call me Nicholae. I did some reading last night. It seems to me you've suffered a concussion, and should be kept under observation for a few more days."

Seems you've suffered a concussion? You'd prefer to know one way or the other. You wonder what kind of doctor he is. "What is your specialty, Nicholae?"

He seems very pleased that you asked. "I'm an experimental surgeon- the best in the world." He goes on at some length about his work understanding the human body, and how no one understands or appreciates what he does. Your eyes glaze over about two sentences in, and you concentrate on finishing your meal. It tastes absolutely great. Finally he asks, "Would you like to see my laboratory?"

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