TSRM-Visit Nicole?

From Create Your Own Story

It has been a while since you've heard anything from Nicole, so you decide that you might as well go see what she is up to. With all the time you've spent out of the house, you barely get to see her anymore. The two of you were very close when you were younger, but nowadays it seems like you never talk.

The wooden steps moan and creak under your weight, as you climb up the stairs and make your way to Nichole's door. Giving the door a rapid light tap, you wait a few seconds but you there was no response. You know she's in there, as Nichole hardly ever leaves her room when she's home, and from the sounds coming through the door, it seems like she is watching a movie. What sounds like a very violent movie.

You push open the door to see Nicole sitting at the foot of her bed, her back resting against its baseboard, her eyes glued to the screen as her fingers dance across a video game controller. Clearly, what you had at first thought was a violent movie was actually a violent video game.

Walking over to the edge of the bed, you sit down and watch her from above. Her black tank top gives you a pretty clear view of her chest through the wide neck opening. With every quick movement she makes, the lovely orbs jiggle with their full weight. Eyebrow raising at the glorious sight thinking back to all the times you managed to get a quick peek at them.

"Stupid mother fucker! Fucking die!" Nichole shouts at the screen.

As she screams, you jump a few inches into the air. You stare at her in surprise and confusion, heart thudding with a momentary burst of adrenaline. You didn't realize just how loud she could be; she always seemed so quiet around the house, even when she was younger. The most reserved of your sisters, in fact.

"DIIIIIIIIE!" She shouts as the character on the screen rapidly fires its rifle, filling the skull of an enemy player with lead bullets until the walls were completely covered with blood, brain matter, and bits of bone. Thrown off by the reveal of this intense side to her, you are not sure you should bother her, especially since she is so distracted that she failed to notice you enter her room.

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