Swim down to the bottom of the pond

From Create Your Own Story

Feeling curious and deliciously dirty, you decide to explore the rest of this mysterious pond. The murky water is surprisingly warm, and as you wade towards the center, you are soon up to your shoulders in the brown swamp.

You decide to submerge yourself completely and blindly swim towards the bottom.

Using your hands to guide you, you suddenly become aware of a cold, slimy mass brushing against your palm. You inquisitively try to grab the object and become horrified to feel it suddenly move and pulse in your hand. Even worse, it seems stuck to you like glue.

Deciding this excursion was a bad idea, you quickly begin to ascend to the surface. As you do, you feel another sticky object attach itself to your left foot.

You breach the surface and spit out the foul smelling water. Treading the surface, you hold out your glued hand in front of you to see it holding a massive slimy slug. It's at least the size and weight of a banana, and constantly squirming in your grasp. You try to pry it out of your palm, but it is held fast.

Moments later, you feel another slimy body attach itself to your other leg. And then another. And another. To make matters worse, you can feel the creatures begin to slither up your body.

Instantly, you decide to swim back to shore as quickly as possible before you are weighed down, immobilized, or worse by the assault of these creatures.

With all the added resistance, you struggle to shore and drag yourself onto the muddy banks. The slug that was on your hand has now explored its way up to your elbow, and pulling your legs out of the water, you are stunned by what you see. Four massive slugs, the smallest at least 7 inches long, and the largest nearly 18 inches. They're several inches thick, and coated in impossibly sticky slime. And all the while, they are crawling their way towards you.

Beginning to panic, you make an effort to stand up and run. Maybe if you can find a stick or a rock, you can use the leverage to pry them off you. But the wet, thick mud of the pond mixes with the slime and from the slugs forming a sticky glue which secures you tightly to the ground. The best you can do is hold yourself up on your back and watch.

You decide to:

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12th Grade Girl (Katy)
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