Summon the energy to guide Suzy back to her own bedroom before the two of you pass out

From Create Your Own Story

You summon all your will power and manage to rise from the bed. You help Suzy up and the two of you stagger to her bedroom. You manage to crawl into the bed and get Suzy under the covers with you. She sighs and puts her head on your chest, and the two of you pass out.

You slowly come awake. Suzy stirs against you, and you snuggle her more closely.

"Mmmmm," she murmurs. "Hello, boyfriend."

You kiss her. "Hello, dearest Suzy."

She gives you a smile. "Want to play some more right here, or would you like to shower with me?"

Health Horny Location:

The Doll House:Suzy's Bedroom

MP 0
Level 4
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