Steel your nerves. it's time to save this kid.

From Create Your Own Story

You pull the car as close into the house as you can get it. Taking up your ball-bat and your flashlight, you step out of the car into the wind, rain, and darkness. Dashing across the lawn, you quickly take the steps to the porch, and don't stop. You use the momentum to drive your foot into the door right next to the knob, and it swings open with a crash. Flicking the light on and gripping the bat at the ready, you rush into the house, hoping to get the drop on anyone inside.

You pause in the front room, finding it empty. "Mikey?" You call out, trying not to be too loud. Nothing. You hear nothing. You shine the light around the house and find a small blood trail on the carpet, leading into a hall and right up to a single door. You inch along carefully, stepping to one side of the hall, readying yourself for a fight. Reaching out to the doorknob, you turn it slowly, and swing it open, shining your light inside.

There, on the bed, is a older man, holding a wound in his side, bleeding profusely. In his other hand is a gun, and he raises it and fires. The round bounces off the door frame next to you and you duck your head. "Don't shoot! Don't shoot!" You scream, hoping he's not one of the crazies.

You peak back inside when he doesn't fire another shot, and see Mikey sitting next to the bed.

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