Stay quiet and go through the ceremony

From Create Your Own Story

You enter a large church-like room, with a priest at the alter. The servants all fill the seats, and Fountesque stands next to the priest. One of Cructmol's tentacles wraps itself around your arm and hand, and the two of you walk to the alter.

"My Lord, it pleases me greatly to see you finally found a bride you found worthy." the priest says.

It's strange, but all the servants here seem to worship Cructmol as some kind of god, or something. They were so casual about the possibility of you being eaten by him, that you are almost certain they think that. It's then that you notice a strange coloration in everyone's eyes. Their pupils are all gray, instead of black. Perhaps he has some kind of mind control spell over them all, but that leaves the question, why not do the same for a bride? Why go to all the trouble of buying a slave, and then meeting him without the same kind of control? Maybe they have to willingly become his wife?

But you can't think on it any longer as the priest begins. "Dearly beloved. We are gathered here to join our Lord with this woman. She, the willing host for our Lord's seed, and our salvation."

As the priest continues, more and more of Cructmol's tentacles wrap themselves around you. Groping your breasts, squeezing your ass, massaging your hips and thighs, coating your body in his sticky slime. You let out a moan as one rubs itself between your legs, and presses itself against your clit. You get so caught up in it that you nearly miss all of the priests words.

"Do you, my Lord, take this woman to be your holy wife, and mother of your children? To use as you see fit, to pleasure at her beck and call, and to impregnate so that your glory shall reign for an eternity?"

"I do." Cructmol replies.

"And do you, my lady, take our Lord to be your holy husband, and the father of your children? To obey his every command, to pleasure him at his beck and call, and to carry his seed to fruition so that his glory shall reign for an eternity?"

Health Horny, female orc Furana, mated to Cructmol Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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