
From Create Your Own Story

Back in your room, you try to lie down, but sleep won't come. Instead you end up pacing.

You look at the forest from your balcony for a while, and entertain yourself with pen and paper you find in the desk. After a while, you leave the room and explore the castle. You find your way into a library. A few books are pulled out on the tables. They have such titles as, Biophysics and You: Accomplishing the Unattainable, Reanimation 101, and Jekyll's Guide to Chemical Transformations. You leaf through them for a while, but you don't understand a thing. Eventually, Igor fetches you for dinner.

The Doctor greets you. "You're looking fine tonight Melissa. Can I offer you anything to drink? Glass of wine, perhaps?"

"Sure". Why not.

"I realize that I've just talked about myself all day. What about you?" he asks, leaning towards you. "What do you like?"

"Like?" Your mind has completely blanked.

"How about, your favorite animal. We'll start there."

"Er... I like monkeys. I think they're kinda cute."

"I would have pegged you for a horse person. Girls usually like horses, don't they?" He looks eager.

"I like horses, too."

Unfortunately, the conversation doesn't get any less awkward. Finally, it's time to part ways for the evening. You go back to the library and find a book you do understand, and take that with you for the night.

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