Stare at them then turn to ask DumbleDore

From Create Your Own Story

"What's going on?" you ask."Why is everyone so excited to see me?" "When you were young, you survived a killing curse made by the darkest wizard Voldemort," says Dumbledore. "Now we should get you to the sorting hat" You see many different people in a line. The soring hat sings a song with people clapping. Professor McGonagall starts reading the names from a list, "Bones, Susan." You see a freckled boy with orange hair come to you. "Blimy Harry!" "I can't believe it's really you!" "Can you show me your scar?" You hesitatingly do so. "Wow! You really are him." He introduces himself, "My name is Ron Weasley." Then, a blond haired boy comes up to you and says, "I'm Draco Malfoy. I'll help you get started, you don't want to be friends with the wrong sort." You

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