Sit down across from her and simply say what comes to mind

From Create Your Own Story

With a loud thunk, you sit down across from the scared girl. "Um... nice day." you absentmindedly say.

The elf is caught totally off guard, and before she realizes it, nods and says, "Y-yes, very."

Her voice is so sweet, it's like honey. You can't wait to hear what her moans sound like. There is a long pause between you and the confused elf, neither of you taking eyes off the other.

"So..." you finally speak up. "What are you doing out here by yourself?"

The beauty looks away, reluctant to speak, but finally says, "Um, picking flowers for my father. H-he's sick. W-what are you doing here?"

You push out your chest a little, showing off your muscles. "I am looking for a mate."

The girl recoils a little. "W-what do you mean?"

This elf is obviously young. No older than 40. She probably hasn't even finished schooling yet, much less felt the touch of a man. The thought makes you drool, and you want her all the more.

Having decided she is to be your mate, you smile and point at her. "I am going to make you my mate. We shall have sex every day, and you will carry my children. Isn't that great?"

The girls eyes widen in fear, and she slow pushes herself away from you. "N-no... No!" the girl screams before springing to her feet and taking off.

The way she reacted not only confuses you, but also hurts your feelings. Maybe you should have raped her? It worked for Dad, but you aren't your Dad.

Health Horny, needing a mate Equipment:


Experience Virgin
HP 100
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