Shoot Captain Whitlock and steer the ship yourself

From Create Your Own Story

Knowing that it’s the only way to return to the city and your family, you shoot Captain Whitlock. You then attempt to sail The Rising Sun back towards the city, hoping that no one from the crew will realize that anything was amiss. Then, just as you are losing all hope that you can sail the boat all by yourself, you see a ship of the Royal Navy! HMS Victory quietly glides up next to you, and at the helm, you see the dashing Captain Christopher Highmore! He and his men board The Rising Sun and arrest all of the pirates on board.

“Oh Captain Highmore, you’ve saved me!” you exclaim.

“Now I just need to get you home safe before anything else happens to you,” Captain Highmore says. He and his sailors bring you and The Rising Sun back to the city. And thus, your adventure ends, and you no longer have any dealings with pirates! As for handsome Captains in the Royal Navy… well, that’s a different story.

The end.

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