Serenity: ending result 21

From Create Your Own Story

Serenity didn't stop to look back from the fear of the raging bald man gaining on her, she kept on running until she was completely out of breath. The walk home was quick; running most of the way, Serenity reached her court where she lived and noticed that her father was not home yet. Having the keys to her house, Serenity entered and locked the door as she looked through the peep hole. Serenity was only a little traumatized imagining the fate that could have befallen onto her. They had her shirt off ready to have their way with her. Serenity thought small about this, what really made her smile was the potential damage she could have caused to the bald attacker, serves him right.

It was only half an hour later when Serenity's father returned home. He seemed surprised seeing his daughter home early.

"Serenity, hey sweetie. I thought you were in class, what happened?" He said concerned.

What was Serenity going to tell him, that she was nearly raped by two men in a toilet cubicle, and for what, because she was gullible enough to walk into the male toilet stalls? What mattered was that Serenity kept her innocence until she was ready to lose it for someone that mattered to her. Serenity chose not to mention what happened that morning.

"Nothing daddy, I just found the class too... Forceful..." Serenity said trying to come up with something better.

"That's fine darling, I only want you to do things that you find comfortable to do." Said dad laying a kiss on his daughters forehead.

Serenity smiled and hugged him, letting go of the images of what could have been done to her if she didn't fight back.

The only regret Serenity possessed in her mind was...

She didn't attack the old man...



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