Serenity: aroused; start sucking him off

From Create Your Own Story

"Good god, I must be insane." Serenity thought to herself as she halts her jerking fist and looks up to Jameson.

"C'mon girly, suck it." Jameson demands as Hopps takes a few steps back.

Wetting her lips with her tongue, Serenity stares down the pink throbbing cock from her tight grip. Taking three deep breaths, Serenity opens her red lips and lightly places them onto the head of Jameson's penis. Serenity smooches the soft tip teasing the rest of the dick when suddenly at a loss for breath... her mouth was breached by Jameson's cock from inpatients.

"We're not here to make love girl, just to make money!" Jameson shouts as he plummets his dick deeper into the back of Serenity's throat.

Serenity was struggling to supply her lungs with air, instead all she revived was a slab of Jameson's thick meat. Her lips pressed against the crotch region of Jameson's pelvis feeling his whole length run through her mouth and bending his hard cock down her throat.

"Control yourself, Jameson!" Steavens demands as he continued to snap pictures. "Take it easy on her!"

Sighing in frustration, Jameson grasps Serenity by the shoulders and pulls his own cock out by receding his pelvis. Following his dick was a stream of saliva that drooled from Serenity's mouth as she violently coughed and gasped for air.

"You fucking animal!" Serenity screams. "You could have nearly killed me you midget dick!"

"Oh please, you were wanting my dick slathered in your mouth." Jameson replied. "You're over reacting"

"Serenity, Jameson!" Steavens interrupted. "Enough of your babbling!"

Serenity: outraged; end this

Serenity: horny; continue

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