See if it will all fit in there

From Create Your Own Story

You realise you wont be able to change tube when the first is empty as her bladder will be under high pressure. So you put the three litre one into her pussy for safe-keeping. You then plug the pussy up with a fucking massive butt-plug, even though it does take a proper punch to get it in.

She is already screaming and crying when you put the finger sized nozzle into her pee-holethen you sove it in an inch or two and start pumping.

Straight away Jenna starts convulsing harder than ever and a fight ensues where she is peeing the slightly yellow tinged cum back into the chamber and you squeeze it back into her alternately. She lose the fight over and over again though, and pretty soon she is full of the cum load. You only got to the 4.5 mark, but it really did seem like that was her maximum, seeing the tremors running across her body when you squeezed further.

At this point she vomited, which seemed reasonable considering the pain she was in. Except it was weird because everybody was convinced she was empty at that point. So when she fountained another few liters into the bowl, people got excited. So much so that they started cumming onto her face all over again.

After plugging her pee hole with a small (but basically pussy-sized) dildo, you put the remaining half liter up her right nostril, but do so really really slowly.

The idea was to be doing it so consistently and slowly that there would be more cum in the bowl from all the fresh loads before you ran out. But the bonus was discovering while taking is slowly that you could time the squirts to be just when Jenna was inhaling. This was difficult dues to her rapid, erractic breathing / gasping / crying cycle, but not impossible.

This entertained you for some time, as the pressure of her sneezes, coughs and gasps meant that your well-timed injections of man-juice got squirted out of her other nostril and even out of her ears and eventually eyes too.

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