Schoolyard Challenge / Play as Mari (6)

From Create Your Own Story

Schoolyard Challenge

Playing as Mari, you walk up and are the sixth to draw from the deck and select a card close to the middle giving a small smirk before walking off. You have been instructed to return immediately home after claiming your first card. You give a wink at the other girls as you follow the instructions willingly, saving the fun for later. Going to get in your car you are more than a little satisfied. This is practically your dream game, getting allowed to prey on other beautiful women. And they definitely picked some good ones. You want to win just to dominate the other girls, but playing the game is going to be most of the fun. And some of these girls will be easy prey for you. Best of all, you couldn't of picked better looking targets yourself.

Speeding away you put your card up on the steering wheel so you can see it as you drive. Unfortunantly after turning it around and playing with it bit by bit it doesn't seem to work and you just give a disatisfied sigh and toss it in your purse for now. You are more than a little curious on what it holds for tomorrow, or the week for that matter. Either way, you have a smile on you face for the majority of the way home.

Arriving home to your apartment you go and get everything ready for tomorrow, you plan on being as ready as possible. You set your alarm sooner than usual and get out what you want to wear after thinking about it for a good while before going to bed. Setting the card on your drawer you find it hard to sleep stripping to your underwear and sliding in bed. Anxiously awaiting tomorrow you eventually get to sleep. When your alarm finally awakens you the drawer instantly catches your eye and you run over to it grabbing the card ignoring your alarm. The card lights up to your glee and the challenges are displayed infront of you. They read as follows:

Item Challenge: Take an opponent's shirt.

Final Objective Challenge: Squeeze a teacher's breasts in class.

Enemy Info Challenge: Throat gag someone.

A big smile instantly spreads over your face after reading, the game is just what you imagined. Sitting back on your bed and idly turning off your alarm clock, you go over the three challenges again with thoughts instantly popping up on each. The item challenge seems simple at first, but then you realize it is deceptively so. No opponent will willingly give up their shirt during school. You might have to have that one present itself for you. The final objective challenge makes you laugh, the idea of squeezing a teachers breasts during a lesson is endlessly amusing to you. Lastly the enemy info challenge is the most interesting to you. Throat gagging sounds like fun, and you like dominating other girls. You instantly run a few girls through your head you'd love to do that to, a good few of them being some of your skillfully picked opponents.

Realizing you better get a start on things though you quickly grab your pre-arranged clothes on your end-bed chest and slip on some hot pink panties and bra with a short green and white skirt and a white button up shirt. It is sexy enough to get people's attention with the shortness of the skirt, but hides enough to make them want more. Plus the pink bra stands out well through the white shirt giving you all the more of an edge. Looking over the card once more before putting it in your shirt pocket for safety you quickly get your morning chores done and head out the door. Jumping in your car you can hardly wait to get to school for once in your life. This is going to be the best week ever. And the challenges keep running through your head, turning you on slightly as you think about achieving them.

Which is all you can think about during your drive to school. The breast squeezing part seems easy enough to handle, you are confident enough to simply walk up and do that during class. It'll be fun too because some of your opponents are in that class so they'll definitely know what you are up to. Saya and Asuka don't really scare you though. The idea of taking one of their shirts crosses your mind but Saya is way too stingy and Asuka would probably politely decline. She is too normal for your taste anyways. As far as the throat gagging goes though you don't have to have an opponent for that. Getting one of your girlfriends into a bathroom stall before school doesn't seem too bad of an idea for that.

Finally arriving to school you walk in and start walking around looking for a few friends so you can get this game started. You check your pocket once or twice to be certain you still have your card but after finding your friends don't think about it twice. You end up flirting with two of them by your locker when suddenly you spot Eve of all people looking over at you as she walks down the hall. Being flirtatious as ever you give her a small knowing wave. The girl has one hot ass. But to your surprise she nods over to an empty class room to the side indicating you to follow. This could be very interesting in the least.

(If ignores her doesn't manage to get a friend to gag so goes to class. Finds Saya missing and Asuka comes in late. Goes up to squeeze the teacher's breasts in class and finds Saya tied up under her desk. After class comes in and tries to use the defenseless Saya. If follow's eve then gets to spank her. See eve's for more details.) (Final objective = Make out and finger each opponent, but they must be willing each time.)

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