Schoolyard Challenge / Play as Eve (2)

From Create Your Own Story

Schoolyard Challenge

Playing as Eve, you walk up and are the second person to take a card from the deck. After taking the end card you smile sweetly before going to walk home. You have been instructed to return immediately home after claiming your first card and have no problems doing so, humming to yourself as you leave the building. This game is going to be a lot more fun than you had thought. Who knew these girls were going to be here against you? Honestly you are surprised yourself that you ended up here. But you are proud to be here, even if you may be somewhat of an underdog to most of the girls. You'll just have to show them wrong. And even if you don't win, you'll atleast have plenty of fun doing your best. Heading down a side street on your way home you pull out some headphones and start to listen to some music.

Walking home and listening to the music you manage to not think much about the game. You are excited, but you know there is nothing you can do until tommorrow when you wake up. You would take a look at your card but you figure you better keep it in your pocket safely incase you might lose it on your way home. The urge is too great for your curious head however and by the time you are home you are holding it this way and that trying to make it turn on. Without much luck however you strip down and go to bed after saying goodnight to your parents.

The next morning you wake up at your usual time, stretching and yawning before putting on a new pair of blue underwear with a matching bra. You squeeze your beautiful ass into them, you really need to thin the thing out. It works on the guys but it is a lot of work sometimes! Which is when you spot the card on your nightstand. Instantly remembering it you almost trip running over to your bed and grabbing it. The instant you touch it the card illuminates revealing three different challenges on the card screen. You eagerly start to read them, biting your lip in anticipation.

Item Challenge: Physically restrain another student in public.

Final Objective Challenge: Get spanked by an opponent.

Enemy Info Challenge: Don't wear panties for your first class.

Smiling and almost laughing as you read the card, you are as happy as you can be. This is definantly going to be an exciting day. Restraining somewhat in public most certainly peaks your interest and your mind starts to work on all kinds of ways you could pull that off. It actually sounds kind of a fun thing to try. The final objective challenge just makes you laugh. It seems simple enough, but at the same time very humiliating in a way. You may or may not get to that one. Your mind is too caught up on the item challenge. The enemy info challenge is easy though and you instantly take it out of your mind as you slip out of your panties. Looks like you are going commando today! Which is a shame really, your ass is shaped perfectly in your underwear and you were going to wear a skirt. Instead you manage to pull up some tight fitting brownish tan pants that show off your ass even better before tossing on a regular black t-shirt.

Running down stairs to catch a ride to work with your neighbors you grab a poptart on your way out with your headphones over your ears once more. You hardly talk on the ride to school, your brain racing with excitement. How in the world are you going to restrain someone in public? Which is when the real question hits you: what kind of item are you going to get if you manage to get it? Handcuffs? Rope? The possibilities are endless! Way too excited now you go back to your original question. Maybe you can swing by the art department before class and grab rope or something? You doubt you are strong enough to do it with just your own body. You'll have to think on it more and hope something presents itself.

Finally you get dropped off in the car at school and hop out giving your neighbors a thanks before walking into the school. It is as busy as usual with plenty of people walking around. Your first class is Math so you just give a small smile and start heading there. Grabbing rope from the art department will be your back up option, you'll just have to test your creative genius mind this morning. Walking around you suddenly spot Mari off to the side talking to some friends by some of the lockers. Maybe you should go over and talk to her? You might even be able to trick her and shove her in a locker! The idea almost makes you laugh. At the very least you could make some kind of small alliance with her. The idea of her spanking you for your challenge is ridiculous, but you have a feeling the day is going to be filled with such things.

But at the same time something in the back of your mind wants to just keep moving. You don't know Mari very well and you kind of want to figure out how to restrain someone on your own. Mari also might be someone tricky to give information to, you don't exactly trust the girl. It most certainly has its ups and downs, and it would be very easy to just keep on walking by. She catched your glance at this point giving you a small knowing smile and a small almost teasing wave of her fingers at you while talking to her friends.

(If talks to Mari, go into empty classroom. Mari plays with eve's pussy while spanking, then after threatens to cut pants. if eve is intimidated enough Mari says no fun and leaves, if she tries to fight Mari then she cuts them and uses eve between classes with promises of clothes. Eventually puts chastity belt on her after panties, shirt, gym shorts. If math class, teacher is late so eve has a while to think of ways to restrain someone and set things up) (Final objective = discover every opponent's weak and strong points mouth,pussy,ass,breasts)

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