Say you had some adventures but are currently your own man

From Create Your Own Story

"I am glad you said that." She quickly replies.

You tell her you don't mind being honest with her, and then ask her how her work is going.

"Actually, work is why I came here." She replies, "I work with powerful people and I solve their problems. The issue I have today is that one powerful man's problem is another powerful man. So money alone cannot solve all situations." Amanda explains herself quickly and very openly.

"Basically honey, I have to fuck this guy literally as well as fuck him on the numbers. Anyway, I am told he is dangerously well hung, and he may well have quite some anger to take out on something or someone. I am hopeful it will not be me, but I might as well take precautions."

"From the size of your shoes and how sore my daughter looked when walking after being with you, I get the feeling you are packing quite a weapon. <she pauses and looks at you intensely> If you can do it with even a little restraint, I think it will really help me out if you could stretch me as much as you can.

Do you...

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