SM:Take the Picture

From Create Your Own Story

"Okay, sure," you say while taking the camera from them. You stand up slightly and turn to face them as the the couple wrap their arms around each other and the boy steathly raises two fingers up behind the girl's head.

"Smile," you say to give them a heads up that you're about to take the picture. Both of them put on a beaming grin. You press down the button and the camera beeps as the image you just took appears on the camera's LCD display. You turn it around to show them.

"Mark, come on!" the girl says, pointing to the bunny ears.

"Alright, alright. Would you take one more please?" the man asks, this time without the goofiness.

Once again you lift up the camera, snap the photo, and show it to them.

"That's good. Thank you so much!" the girl says as she takes the camera back and the guy leans out to check the next stop.

"Oh, crap. We missed our stop!" He says upon seeing it, and you turn around to see that he was right.

"Next Stop: Jayne's Avenue," the sign now reads. Nobody must have requested a stop. Now you'll have to wait for the next one too.

"Oh, sorry. Was that your stop? Here, let us make it up to you," the girl asks upon seeing your face, reaching into her purse and taking out her wallet. She takes out a coupon and hands it to you, refusing to take no for an answer and forcing you to take it. Meanwhile the man gets up and pulls the cord for the next stop.

You sit down and take a look at the coupon, finding it to be for a movie store, and expired. When the couple isn't looking you just drop the useless coupon on the ground.

The couple gets off the bus when it stops at Jaynes' Avenue. You aren't too sure if you want to stop here though.

"Next Stop: Pacific Mall," the sign now reads.

Do you:

Sixty Minutes -- Current Status
Time Remaining 34:11
Location The Bus: Jayne's Avenue
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