SJ: Grab a towel and go open the door

From Create Your Own Story

You stop the stream of water with a push at the button and get out of the shower, then you grab a white towel and wrap it around your wet body. It covers most of your breasts and ends about two inches below your firm ass. As you walk to the door you leave a trail of wet footprints and drops of water on the floor.

You open the door and as you thought it's the mailman. He's a good-looking blonde guy in his mid-twenties and he always wants to give you the mail face-to-face. His eyes go wide when he sees that you just came out of the shower and are only covered by the white towel. “E-Excuse me, Miss Johansson, I-I didn't want to disturb you. H-Here's your mail,” he stammers lightly and hands you the letters with a quick move. “Thank you,” you respond smiling and take them while you silently laugh in your head about his awkward reaction. You look at him and he still stands there staring at you and doesn't seem to know what to do. He might be a bit shy, but he's attractive and maybe you could have a bit of fun with him.

Do you:

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