Run down the fork to the left

From Create Your Own Story

You swerve to the left and keep running. After several more turns, the path suddenly ends. You pivot around to head back, but your course is blocked by a dark figure.

"End of the line, hon," a voice says.

Two arms wrap around you. You feel as if the figure is transferring something from itself into you through the wound in your belly.

The figure spins you around so you're facing away from it and covers your eyes with one hand. The other seems to enter through the gap in your belly and move upwards. Is he literally touching your heart? There's a tiny prick, like that of a very thin needle, and you feel as if something is being injected directly into your heart. The hand withdraws, then moves to your mouth and opens it.

You feel what seems be a cracker placed into your mouth, and you chew and swallow without thinking. The hand covering your eyes is lifted.

You suddenly feel a rage towards humans fill you, and a liking -- and lust -- for your fellow slasher.

The wound where he sliced open your belly appears to have sealed itself. He hands you a long, thin blade.

"Shall we hunt?"

Slasher's Body Count:
Live:You (a female slasher)
Dead:Nikki, Tomas, Andrew, Chris, Jackie
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