Riot as soon as possible

From Create Your Own Story

You're so desperate, that you can't stand this hellhole bullshit, so you must break out. You guys hope for someone to come, but you know no one will come, so you guys decide to break out right now. A few days later at 8 AM when you guys are warming up by playing sports or something to warm up and start the day, you guys all grab an object and start rioting and rebelling against the prison security. You guys attempt to bust down the barbed wire prison wall and you guys try to kill the security and take their weapons. You manage to get a gun from a dead security guard, but another security guard calls and requests backup. You shoot that guard, but it's too late. The armed forces arrive and they shout at you, demanding a surrender. You guys are too crazy about the riot, they all fire at you with machine guns. And you're both the hunter and the victim of this mass disaster that very day.

Health 0 Equipment:


MP -
Level -

The End

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