RWBY SeXXXy - WS - Lie about it in RWBY’s Dorm

From Create Your Own Story

Your eyes dart around the room, trying to think up a plausable excuse. You catch sight of a weapon magazine on top of Ruby’s bed and an idea comes to you.

“It’s a tool our team leader uses to clean the barrel of her weapon.” You begin. You can only hope putting on a show of confidence will help to mask the ridiculousness of your story. “I have told her many times that there are more efficient ways of doing it, but she refuses to see reason.”

After taking a moment to consider what you told her, Winter holds out her other hand and makes a circle with her fingers and begins running the dildo back and forth through it, once again causing you to suppress your laughter at the sight.

“She must be a capable warrior to be able to wield a weapon with this large of a barrel.” she commented. “Although from the sound of it, she is quite dense to be using a tool like this.”

Seemingly satisfied, she is about to place the dildo back in the draw, when:

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