Possess the mum cooking downstairs

From Create Your Own Story

You decide to go down stairs and possess the mum who's cooking. You move your spirit into her while she's cooking, she drops her wooden cooking spoon she was using. Its pretty hard trying take over her body, but eventually you take control of her body. You open your eyes to see the stove and pot of pasta sauce she was cooking, you look around the kitchen and then take a closer look at your body from the mirror in the kitchen. Your new body is pretty tall (but then again you're wearing go go boots) , your new body has blond hair, you are about 38 and your clothes are just casual around the house ones.

You check your new body out, and see that you have decently big breasts, you give them a feel and a short waive of pleasure goes through your body, although you can feel your control not being as strong as you would like, you're not to sure how long you can stay inside the body for. You decide to....

You are: A Young female ghost possessing a tall blond haired mother
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