Possess carol while shes on the toilet

From Create Your Own Story

You decide that if theres a better chance to possessing Carol, you think its now. You move closer to her and watch as she grunts and has a uncomfortable look on her face, you then do the same as you did to your mum, step back and lunge into her. Your spirit goes inside her body and she fidgets for a second while grabbing the sink with a death grip as you slowly take over her body. Within a minute you finally take over her body and open your eyes to see the bathroom wall.

"I did it!" You say in Carols body.

Now that you have Carols body at your disposal, you have to no finish some other business...... you cringe at the fact that you were possessing her as she was having a dump. You finish up on the toilet and stand up to examine your new body, it aches a little, but non the less it's better to have a body than none. You lift up your top to see your new breasts, and then feel them for a second, they feel nice for their age too. You also search Carols memories to see if you can find anything out, and since she was tired when you possessed her it makes it easier. You find out that her husband died not to long ago and shes been very lonely since then, so lonely shes had thoughts of incest with her son Joey.

"This could be interesting...." You say to your self, since you could use this as an opportunity to have finally have sex.

You are: A Young female ghost possessing neighbor Carol
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