Piggy's Day/Escape the house

From Create Your Own Story

Piggy: "I'm not gonna stay in here until the egg timer goes off!"

You walk right out, only to see the mother of the family casually watering flowers with a garden hose.

Piggy: "Hey!"

The mother snaps her gaze to you, only to scream and collapse on the ground of a cardiac arrest.

Piggy: "Oh noes. Well, I couldn't possibly be held accountable for that..."

You hastily leave the area. You head back to Washington DC and go tell your story to the police. They let you know that there's been a local urban legend about a family of impoverished, cannibalistic people living in a delapitated house in the woods. A doctor's examination determines that one of them struck you with a mallet on the head while you were sleeping. This didn't have any effect on you, because your head is basically elastic from the amount of fat that you possess. The family is arrested using the information that you provided. As the police entered the house, they found the father and son preparing to cook the mother, dead from her cardiac arrest. You are given a reward of 1000 dollars, which you mostly spend on a nice hat.


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