Phase through the house to the next house

From Create Your Own Story

Uninterested in your next door neighbors house you decide to go on into the next house. You phase through the wall and end up into another house, you look around and notice another ghost in the room, and from the looks of it he looks like a boy around your age, maybe abit older. You just float in the corner of the room and notice he's standing above a teenage girl, she looks pretty chubbyish and shes still fast asleep. Suddenly the young male ghost turns around quickly and stares at you for a good second before he says "Wait, you're a ghost too.....?" "Yeah, I guess I am." You reply "It's pretty cool to meet another ghost, to tell you the truth. I though I was the only one....been spending all yesterday trying to get use to being a ghost, trying my new ghostly powers and stuff. I've kind of got use to possession, still trying it on people who don't seem like a big challenge. You won't believe the amount of body's I've been rejected by." he tells you. "Yeah I can relate, I barely spent enough time possessing my mums body....." you say. He looks at you for a second and at the girl "Sooooo, I'm probably going to have ago inside her while shes an easy target to possess." he tells you "So if you want to have ago inside of her, you might want to wait a hour or two while I have some fun inside her...." he says with a grin on his face.

And without a moment to spare the male ghost rushes his spirit inside the sleeping teenagers body and starts possessing her. The body squirms for abit until it stops. The girls body gets up and looks around, the ghost starts feeling his new bodys huge breasts and playing with them by jumping up and down with joy. You watch for a second as this chubby teenage girl jumps and down while pausing to grope the her breasts. You decide to.....

You are: A Young female ghost
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