Patiently wait for something to happen

From Create Your Own Story

Convinced that this is some kind of test, you wait patiently for whoever you are waiting for. After about ten minutes of waiting, five rather large orcs come in the room, and stand across from you. These must be the orc lords you were told about, and to say they are intimidating would be an understatement.

"So, you're our new recruit then?" one of the larger ones says with a deep and surprisingly well trained voice.

"We be the Lords of Farm, and you be our pupil." another says.

"You shall choose one of us to train you. But once the choice has been made, there is no changing your mind. Any questions?"

You swallow hard, and look at each of the five lords. "C-could you introduce yourselves?"

They all look at each other, and nod to you. The one on the far left steps forward, he's ugly, even for an orc. With a bone through his nose, and a massive gut. One of his tusks is missing as well, replaced by a stone. "Me be from Clan Misty Summer. Me train you hard, and teach you strength sex."

The second steps forward, and he's easily the plainest of them all. If there was a typical orc out there, he would be it. "I hail from the Clan of Hard Autumn. I shall teach you various techniques that require the least amount of effort, but achieve the greatest amount of pleasure, for both you and your partner."

The third looks like he just walked through a sewer. Covered in black paint, with large muscles, he looks to be the strongest of the five. "Me come from Clan of Sharp Winter. Train you in stamina I will. Teach you to fuck multiple bitches at once."

The fourth looks like he just came from a massive battle. Covered in war paint, and scares decorate his entire body. He has no right eye, and seems to be the oldest of the five, sporting a pointy gray beard. "I'm from the Clan of Gray Fall. I shall teach you ancient mating rituals not often taught in this age. Things you will not learn anywhere else, but I guarantee are worthwhile."

Finally, the last one steps forward. The smallest of the lords. He's also the fattest, smelliest, and most disgusting. His body is covered in sweat, and grease. It literally drips off his massive gut onto the floor. "Me from Clan of Western Wind. Teach you merciless fuck. No mercy for bitches. Break them easily with my technique."

So, from which clan do you want to be taught by?

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HP 100
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