Order a pizza, but the pizza boy is what you’re really after

From Create Your Own Story

Mike Stevenson couldn't believe how unfair his life was at his eighteen years on this planet. First being in the middle of four brothers he was always easily forgotten by his parents. Secondly his parents gave him the 'great news' that they don't have the money to be able to send him to college and that he has to start helping with the expenses of the house. So here he is, a delivery boy trying to scrap enough money to help his family and trying to save enough for himself.

And let's not start with his sex life, since his sophomore year high school he hadn't been able to to hook up with anyone and this job isn't helping at lot in the girl catching department or his looks.

But his bad luck was about to change. One afternoon he was send to deliver a pizza to neighborhood nearby the store. He knocked in the door to deliver the pizza asked. To his great surprise and to his arousement he was greeted with some generous cleavage by a blond girl about his age dressed in naughty miniskirts and a strained top giving him a generous look of her tits.

He enters the house only to meet another blond equally gourgeous wearing some leggins and a tight blouse with several bottoms undone. Aroused by the clotting of these two he puts the pizza in the counter and ask for the payment.

What will be said next?

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