Open the door and investigate the living room

From Create Your Own Story

"I'm going out there," you say.

"I'll go with you," says Annabelle. The two of you drag the cabinet away from the door, then, on the count of three, you yank it open while Annabelle stands ready with her axe.

Just in time. Holly is unconscious on the floor. Jack is kneeling over his wife, unaware of the zombie sneaking up on him. Annabelle hurls her axe, sending it into the zombie's head with a THUNK. Jack looks up in surprise, then at the zombie's corpse. "Thanks, Ana."

"How is she?" the nurse asks.

"A zombie knocked her over and she hit her head on the side of a table. She's not bitten, thank God, but she took a bad bump."

Annabelle goes over and examines Holly's unconscious form. Jack stands up, picking up his rifle, keeping one eye on his wife and one eye out for zombies. Seeing poor dead Steve's pistol on the floor, you drop the bat and pick the gun up. You look around more closely. Dead zombies are strewn about the room, some with steel crossbow bolts embedded in their heads and others with bullet holes.

Holly stirs and groans. "Wha...Where?" She tries to sit up. Jack reaches down to help her. You keep watch on the shattered window, alert for any more zombies.

"She should be fine with a little rest," says Annabelle. She and Jack help Holly stand up. Jack and Holly embrace and kiss. "I'll take her to one of the bedrooms," the nurse says.

"I'll bring this with me," says Holly, picking up her crossbow. Annabelle and Jack help her collect the bolts from the zombie skulls, then Holly, leaning on the nurse for support, heads off down the hall.

"I'd better fix that window," Jack says. "Can you keep me covered? Do you have experience with guns?"

A growl comes from outside. Two zombies appear, heading for the broken window. With two quick but well-aimed shots from your pistol, you turn the undead creatures dead again. "You were asking?" you say. Jack laughs.

"I have a lot of experience with weapons from doing action movies," you explain.

"Do you have experience with hand-to-hand weapons as well?" he asks. You nod.

"There are swords and axes on the wall. You should choose one you like," he says.

You pick out a nice medium-length sword, along with a sheath for it, and place it on your hip. Then you keep watch with your gun while Jack quickly fixes the window, nailing several boards over it. You then help him drag several heavy pieces of furniture in front of it.

"There, that should hold them," says Jack. "These pieces are a lot heavier than the ones we had there earlier." He looks at the corpse of poor dead Steve. "Another burial to take care of." He sighs. "Would you like to come with me? I can show you around different parts of the castle while we...take care of this. Or if you're tired, I can show you to a place to rest. We have plenty of bedrooms."

Health 60 Equipment:

Pistol, sword

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