Ongoing Story/Your neighbor's husband comes home

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 37: Dinner

She's riding your dick on her bed, screaming in ecstasy, when suddenly you both see her husband. Well, not really suddenly. It's about one o'clock, and she said he'd be back around this time. In fact, she asked you to let this happen.

"Hello, honey," she says to Mike, a smallish man with glasses in a yellow polo shirt and slacks. "Just sit there, I'll deal with you in a second." She turns back to you and begins riding you again until finally you cum. Not knowing what to do, Mike stands there as you fire a massive load into his young wife.

Paige climbs off you, then turns toward her husband. "Honey, this is Tom," she says. "For the last month, I've done my best with you, because I love you, and thought we could make it work. Today I met Tom, our next-door neighbor, and realized it never will. I still love you with all my heart, honey, but my cunt needs Tom's big, beautiful dick to be satisfied. And this way we can have a child, remember how you wanted one but we couldn't because of your low sperm count? I hope you understand." As Mike stammers, unable to speak, you get off the bed. "I'll see you later, babe," you say, squeezing her ass. "I hope so," she says.

You go home, and find it's 1:00 o'clock. You find your mom is shopping and Chrissy and Britney are at friend's houses, so you fuck the twins for the next couple hours. Then you decide to call Paige.

"He's having a bit of trouble with it," she says. "He can't seem to accept that I need your cock."

"Well, that's too bad. Actually, I was hoping the two of you would come over for dinner tonight here at my house."

"Oh, of course we'll come!" Paige says. "I'll make sure he comes with! It'll be fun!"

When your mom and sisters get home, you tell them you're having guests over, and when ask tell them it's the neighbor woman Chrissy mentioned, and her husband. "Tom," asks Megan, "Why are you having her husband over? Don't you just want to fuck her?" "Now, Megan," says your mother, "you have to understand that your brother loves the power his cock gives him over people, and he loves showing it off. He's going to love rubbing it in for Mike how badly Paige needs his cock. He'll have all of us on display too, as further tribute to his manhood." "Oh, okay," says Megan.

Dinner time rolls around, and the girls have set places at the table for you, Paige, and Mike. 8:00 comes and you hear a ring at the doorbell. You open it and see Mike in a suit and tie, and Paige in a slinky pink dress and pink gloves, with black high heels. It takes a second to realize that the dress is transparent, allowing you a full view of her titties. You of course are completely nude, your body on full display and your cock hanging down lewdly. "Hello, Mike," you say, offering your hand, which he grabs and shakes timidly. "Hello, Paige." "Hello, Tom," she says, smiling. She steps close like she's going to kiss you deeply, but only pecks you on the cheek. You notice Mike breathe a sigh of relief. She then gets down on her knees and kisses you on the head of the cock, causing Mike's relief to quickly fade. "I like your dress," you say. "Thank you," she replies. "I bought it today, just for you."

"Mike, I'd like you to meet my family," you say. "Girls!" With that, the girls all walk in. Your mother is wearing a black dress with the top pulled down to show her tits, and your sisters are all completely nude. "Mike, this is my mother Jessica, and my sisters Chrissy, Maddie, Megan, and Britney. Girls, this is Mike." "Hello," smiles your mother, "We're happy to have you here." Mike looks shocked. "Did I hear right? Did he say you're his MOTHER and these are his SISTERS? How old is he? Why are you all nude?" "Now, hush, Mike," says Paige. "There's no need to bother them with foolish questions. They were nice enough to invite us, can't you be polite?"

"No, it's ok," says your mom. "Mike, Tom is sixteen. He goes to the local high school. We're all nude because he likes us this way. We're his family, but we're also women. When he showed us that beautiful cock of his, we couldn't resist, and now we'll do anything to keep him happy. He's actually pretty much taken over as head of the household."

Mike's jaw drops. "But... Tom, how could you fuck your own sisters? Your mother?" he asks. "Now there you go again, Mike," says Paige. "A man like Tom, with a big, fat cock, needs to fuck constantly to stay satisfied. So he needs lots of hot pussies readily available to him, whether they're his mother's or his neighbor's."

"Anyway, dinner's about ready. Why don't we all sit down and eat," you say. Chrissy pulls out your chair as you sit down, and does the same for your guests. There are three places set at the table, one at the head for you, one across from you for Paige, and one to the side for Mike. Chrissy and your mother pour drinks and serve, while the younger girls get under the table and start sucking your dick.

Dinner proceeds nicely, as you talk to Paige, about her life and career and ambitions. Mike is mostly silent, looking nervous and scared. At one point, as you start to cum in your sister's mouth, the bucking tool slips out and begins to shoot under the table. Mike stares as cum shoots under the glass table, going the full length to hit Paige at the other end. Nonchalantly, she spreads her legs and moves slightly to let the cum spray on her cunt, but otherwise neither you nor her alter your conversation or demeanor in any way.

The two of you finish eating, and you stand up. "Well Paige, how would you like me and mom to give you the grand tour of this old place?" you ask. "I'd love it," she says, and she stands and takes one of your arms, your mom taking the other. Each lets their free hand drift down to rest on your cock.

What do you do now?

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