Ongoing Story/You pass out in your noble attempt. Do you survive

From Create Your Own Story

Chapter 22: Overflowing With Cum

You take on the sewer guardian's disgusting tentacles, and drain them, one by one, of their vile semen. It takes every ounce of your sexual expertise, and every bit of your extreme sexual endurance, and you're still not sure if it will be enough. Ilsa has lost consciousness from the abominable rape. Despite her bigger bulk and greater strength, she doesn't have your stamina for this. Three tentacles still rape her limp body. You realize you're lucky that they do -- you could never handle all the tentacles at once. You do your best, but the brutal assault of the tentacles slowly drains away your strength, and without Ilsa's active help, you're fighting a losing battle. Slowly, the limp tentacles come back, one after another. You can't keep them at bay. You're failing, but you don't give up. One of slides deep into your cunt, and then - sending you into convulsions of agonized pain - forces itself through your cervix into your uterus. Blast after blast of rancid cum bursts inside you, and Ilsa is treated just the same. Fifteen or twenty tentacles must have cum inside you before you feel your consciousness slip away. The last thing you see is Ilsa's face, green semen leaking from her nostrils, and even from her tear ducts. Then, everything turns black...


You wake up, coughing. You're still alive. You're floating, face up, in the sewer water. Of the sewer guardian, there is no sign. You stand up, and immediately throw up, expelling over a gallon of green monster-cum from your stomach. You don't feel well. Then the thought strikes you. Ilsa!!

You see one of Ilsa's legs sticking out of the sludge, and you drag her lifeless from it. She's not breathing, and her eyes have rolled back into her head. Desperate, you push at her chest. You push a sickening amount of sewage mixed with kraken-semen from her lungs, and then start to give her mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. You go on and on, apparently without success. Oh, gods, please let her be alive! Perhaps they hear you, because Ilsa shakes and coughs some more sludge from her lungs into your mouth. You swallow and just keep going. She starts breathing, and after some more minutes, she regains consciousness.

"I... I'm sorry, Kayla", she says weakly. "I couldn't outlast it... But you did..."

"No, Ilsa. I couldn't either."

"Then... why are we alive? Did the monster satisfy itself on us while we were out?"

"Perhaps", you say, but you don't believe it. You've never heard of a raping sewer guardian letting its victims off alive. There's something strange going on here.

"Kayla, I feel sick-" Ilsa starts, and then doubles over, puking wildly, the disgusting greenish cum flowing from her mouth. It takes her a minute to stand up again, cum spattered all over her body. You take a look on yourself and Ilsa, and see your clothes were ripped from your bodies during the rape. You're both fully nude, and you see that your bellies are badly distended from the grotesque amounts of monster-cum lodged in your cunts, uteri and intestines.

"I think we should try to rid ourselves of its semen", you tell Ilsa. You push at her belly, and green cum blasts from her vagina and rectum. You keep pushing, and more and more drain from her. You're astounded at the amount -- there must have been almost two gallons of the stuff inside her. When you're done, you start squeezing your own abdominal muscles, and an almost as large volume flow from your own nether openings. The cum floats on top of the sewer-water, coloring it a sickly green.

You're weak as a kitten, and Ilsa can barely stand, but you grab the lamp, which thankfully still burns, and the dildo. You have to let Ilsa lean on you, and you're barely fit to walk yourself, but you slowly make your way towards the city. You lose track of time, going on nothing but willpower, until you finally see a manhole above you. You crawl through it, and help Ilsa up. You're inside Tansisor!

You make your way towards your inn, which fortunately is nearby. You crawl in through your second-story window (you'd have to be dead before losing the ability to scale a wall like that) and grab your stuff. It's not much, but you dress in simple city-clothes and sweep your cloak around Ilsa, who's shivering badly from the night-cold. You also pick up your rapier, a few daggers and your few remaining gold coins. You sneak away into the night - the inn will certainly be turned upside-down once the duke learns of your escape. But what should you do next? You're still in a very bad shape, and Ilsa looks on the verge of fainting.

What do you do now?

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