Obey the demon and begin bringing him new victims

From Create Your Own Story

You don't know just how powerful the demon is and you don't want to test it. There's only one choice you can make to survive, even if it damns you.

You have to keep your promise to the demon.

Using your wit and feminine charms, you lure many victims to their doom at the demon's hands and claws. Soon, he becomes powerful enough to raise a massive army of skeletons, mummies, and undead priests.

Then they begin their attack on humanity.

You watch as hordes of mummies and skeletons slaughter entire armies, untouched by any modern weapon. The undead priests use their powers to shoot down warplanes attempting to bomb them.

Slowly but steadily, the undead hordes conquer the entire world, slaughtering every man, woman, and child without mercy. The Inca demon rewards your loyalty by turning you undead and making you his queen.

Together, you rule a dead, soulless world as immortal beings.


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