M114 - Commander Richard Smith - Dig Site

From Create Your Own Story

“An excellent idea!” Commander Smith answered Professor Carter's challenge and headed for the door. Professor Carter followed and as soon as they were outside, Smith scanned the area around his ship. Seeing the man he was looking for, he yelled out, “COOKIE!” As the young Petty Officer Callahan rushed over, Commander Smith made a jerking motion with his head. “Come with us.”

It took the three men several minutes to cover the distance, and when they reached the top of the second dune, they were looking down into a large, roughly rectangular area of excavation. Lieutenant Moonwalker was standing in the center of the site. The two Able-Bodied Spacemen were standing a little distance away from him, to his left and right. They were staring down at the woman kneeling in front of the Lieutenant. She appeared middle-aged with black hair peppered with gray. It was layered cut and reached to about mid neck. There were small wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, her jaw line and neck had a slight layer of padding, and there were laugh-lines around her thin lips. Those lips, at the moment, were wrapped around Lieutenant Moonwalker’s cock. One hand was holding the base of his shaft, her other hand was fondling his nuts.

“Mister Moonwalker,” Commander Smith called out loudly as he and two others descended into the excavation pit. “Why am I not surprised?”

“Captain, I can explain,” Lieutenant Moonwalker gasped when his Commanding Officer started to approach. Nancy had let out a startled shriek when she had first heard Commander Smith's yell and had run to Professor Carter.

“Oh, Robert, I am so sorry,” she sobbed, burying her face into his chest as he wrapped his arms around her. “I- I just couldn’t help myself. They are so y-young and… and healthy.”

“Shhh, it’s alright,” Professor Carter comforted Nancy. He held her to him, stroking the top of her head as he tried to calm her. “I’ve told the Captain all about us. It’s alright.”

Petty Officer Second Class James Earl Callahan looked from one person to the next. He had *no* idea what was going on.

“You can explain?” Commander Smith replied to Lieutenant Moonwalker as he closed the gap between them. “This ought to be a good one.” He stood directly in front of Moonwalker and crossed his arms over his chest. “I send you out to retrieve a Civilian but rather than obeying my order, I find you getting your dick sucked. But you can explain?”

Lieutenant Moonwalker opened his mouth to speak but no words came out. He realized how ludicrous he looked standing there with his pants and shorts down around his ankles, his dick still half-hard and coated with salvia.

“Forget about it,” Commander Smith’s stern face cracked into a smile. He un-crossed his arms and clasped a hand on Lieutenant Moonwalker’s shoulder. “I’ll fill you in later. But for now…” He turned to face the others. “Jones, why don’t you go back to Camp with the Professor and start reviewing his data and notes? Mrs. Carter,” he half-bowed to her, “You are welcome to stay here and finish what you started if you wish. Cookie!”

“Sir!” Petty Officer Callahan ran forward.

“Give me your side-arm,” Commander Smith held out his hand. The Cook started to pull the blaster from its holster but Commander Smith stopped him. “No, no. Give me the whole thing. Ripley,” he turned to the other Able-Bodied Spaceman, "You and I need to talk.”

When Petty Officer Callahan gave Commander Smith the holster, blaster, and belt, the Ship's Captain started to strap it on and said to Callahan, “Stay here with Mister Moonwalker and Mrs. Carter.” As Smith and the others started to leave, he added, “And oh, Cookie, remember what I said about not taking it out unless I told you?” He waited for the Petty Officer to nod before saying, “Go ahead and take it out.”

“But, Captain,” Callahan answered, “You have my…” Then he noticed that Mrs. Carter was not leaving and that Lieutenant Moonwalker still had his pants down around his ankles. Snapping to attention, Petty Officer Callahan said, “Yes, Sir!”

M114 - Commander Richard Smith - Ripley

M114 - Lieutenant Lawrence Moonwalker - Nancy Finishes.

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