Limp Times - Camp Skylight (Chapter 1.1)

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You try to maintain your boner... but it didn't work out! Apparently her beauty and the fact she just laid you on a nurse bed, was too much for you. Your boner grows, even though you try to maintain it. You realize that you can't fight it, and you let your hormones get the best of you.

Emilia: My god, don't tell me this gets you aroused already. There's no time for this, CĂ©line could be back any moment. Hold still.

She grabs a bunch of bandages and wraps it around your head, removing the your old one in the process. You notice that she struggles with it, but you're unsure whether you should help her or not, since you're unsure whether she meant her previous comment positively or not negatively.

Will you help your nurse out?

Yes, support Emilia with bandaging your headwound

No, don't risk pissing off Emilia and let her do her job

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