Lead Xara's family to your parents house, where they can rest

From Create Your Own Story

"Come on, I'll take you to my parents house." you say.

As you lead the nervous family through the village, Xara looks around at the few orcs and quietly asks, "Um, so I don't see any female orcs around. Is that normal?"

"There is no such thing as a female orc. So, yes, it's normal to not see any."

"Oh, then, who's your mother?"

"My mother is a dark elf that my father claimed." you answer.

Xara and her family all gasp. "A dark elf? A real dark elf is your mother?" you nod. "Wow, I thought they were all nobles and royalty in the city."

"They are. But, my Mom cast all that aside to be with my Dad. She hated that life, so don't treat her like royalty or she'll get frustrated."

"Okay." Xara says, and makes sure her family understands as well.

As you walk in your parents house, you shout, "Mom, Dad, I'm home! We got company."

In a split second, Mom jumps in your arms, and hugs you tightly. "Where have you been? I was so worried that you had died! I..." she then notices Xara and her family. "Oh, sorry. I was just scared about my son's safety. Please, come in and make yourselves comfortable."

Xara and her family are in utter shock at how beautiful your mother is, and the fact that she's naked doesn't help either.

Health Horny, temporarily named Worjum, mated to Xara Equipment:

black pants

Experience experienced
HP 100
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