Konoha High School (First Day)

From Create Your Own Story

You pull open the doors of the school and immediately hear hundreds of voices blended together to make one sound... Annoyance. Your godfather, Ao gave you advice to find a guy to get you mind off of your parents. There's a really hot guy with an Uchiha crest on his jacket, who's surrounded by girls. A blond kid who's eavesdropping on the Uchiha kid with some whisker-like lines on his face. A boy with a puppy and red fanglike markings on his cheeks, who's talking really loudly. A quiet guy in at a locker wearing sunglasses and a hooded jacket. And your cousin, Neji.

You talk to:


Day October 2 Location:

School Hallway

Chakra 50/50
Popularity 1
Top Boy Neji Item:


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