From Create Your Own Story
You wake up and discovered that you're tied to your bed.
Immediately you feel a sharp pain in your bladder. It's beyond bursting. You also feel a metal object inside it which is not helping.
You hear your door open and Maylee walks in. She's still naked and has her throbbing erection in hand.
She notices you trembling.
"Mmm... looks like someone has to pee."
"M-Maylee, please..."
"Please what? Let you empty your bladder? Not a chance."
She approaches the bed and puts her hand on your abdomen.
"You are really full, aren't you?"
"Y-yes... please don't push down..."
Maylee ignores your plea and begins applying pressure to your visibly-bulging bladder.
"Hrk... that really hurts..."
She stops putting pressure on your bladder but then starts licking it.
She stops licking then wipes her mouth.
"Hmm... what should I do next..."
What does she do next?
Leave you there for another hour
Force you to drink another 2 liters of water, then leave for an hour
Force you to drink another 2 liters of water, then walk you outside
Status | Restrained, aroused, beyond bursting to pee | Equipment:
small top, key (in bladder), small dildo (in urethra) |
Location | Home, in your room |