Keep banging Dr. Harm on the floor

From Create Your Own Story

The nurse squeaks in alarm at that suggestion. As much as you like the thought of being sewn into that nurse's delightful vagina, you can't spare much thought for her because your penis wants more from the vagina you're already in. You get back to banging Dr. Harm and her clinical facade cracks completely. She bucks and writhes beneath you, moaning passionately, and you ride her like a bucking bronco. It doesn't take long to get her off, and that gets you off as well. But your penis stays hard inside her and the vibrations simply will not cease. The doctor makes an encouraging moan and you fuck her again. You fuck and cum and fuck and cum until you finally pass out on top of her.

When you wake up, you're in bed, still erect inside the doctor. You don't recognize the bed or the room, but you don't care where you are. You only care where your penis is, and it's inside the doctor's hot box. She wakes up with a groan as you pound her into the mattress. She kisses you, her tongue snaking out to wrestle with yours, and hunches her ass up and down to meet your thrusts. She cries out with delight as you make her climax again and you moan as you fill her with more jets of jizz.

"It seems that my mistake with you forces me to retire from my research," Dr. Harm says. "My nurses will service us so there will not need to be any interruption to placation I must now offer to your sexual needs."

Indeed, a veritable army of pretty nurses clean and feed the both of you, while you continuously fuck her. You wonder if she really made a mistake when she operated on your penis or if she always intended to retire this way. You can't pull out of her. Your crotches are surgically fused and inseparable. You hardly even try to get free of her, because you're too busy banging her.

And your cock never stops vibrating.

Health Horny, with a vibrating dick surgically sealed into Dr. Harm Location:

Dr. Harm's Bedroom

MP 0
Level 2
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