Join the guy in the wifebeater and his friends at the booths

From Create Your Own Story

"Hi," you say, walking up to the four men at the booth. You feel yourself blushing.

The guy with the wifebeater smiles at you pleasantly enough, though his smile grows when he gives you a quick up-and-down. He's a well-built stud, with heavy stubble, a thick neck, and a hairy chest and arms. He reminds you a bit of an ex-con. The other three guys are just as rough around the edges as he is. All four look to be in their early 40s. One guy is bald, hugely muscled, and has tattoos all the way up both arms. The second guy - a small fireplug of a man - has a buzzcut, jug ears, and is wearing a green army-camo tank-top with the word "PIG" written on it. The third guy is tall and lean-muscled, with a short black goatee, backwards baseball cap, and a bit of a greasy look to him.

"Hi," the guy with the wifebeater says.

"Uh," you stall for a second.

"You want to join us?" he says, letting you off the hook.

"If I wouldn't be bothering you..."

He shrugs, and he gets up. You slide into the booth, and he sits back down again, giving you an amused smile. "We were just claiming our booth."

"You always sit here?" you say.

"Best view of who comes and goes," the guy with tattoos says, nodding at the curtained area.

"Haven't seen you before," the goatee guy says. "What brings you to the Midtown on blackout night?"

"It's my birthday," you say. Then you ask, "What's blackout night?"

As if on cue, the lights go really dim.

“It’s Friday night!” a man’s voice announces over some sort of speaker. “Time for Blackout at the Midtown Pub!”

The room has been filling up for some time, and at the dimming, there are cheers. You look around, confused.

“Blackout night,” the guy with the goatee says, over the hoots and hollers.

“They turn off the lights?” you ask.

He laughs. “Once a month, the lights go down, and people let it all hang out.”

The guy in the wifebeater says, "I'm gonna head down to the bar for drinks. What do you want? On me. It's your birthday."

"Get him a Butt Sex," the tattooed guy says.

You blink.

"It's a coffee and vodka thing," he says.

"Is that what you want?" the guy in the wifebeater asks, grinning at you.

You say...

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