Invite Dan to go in with you

From Create Your Own Story

"Would you like to come in?" you smile and asked. "Maybe you can help me get settled in."

"Yeah, sure!" Dan responds with almost no hesitation and picks up your bags.

You open the door for Dan while he lugs your things into the room, then follow him in, all the while still thinking about how great it is to have hot guys trying to impress you by doing your chores. At this rate, you won't even have to move a pinky!

You and Dan enter a room with two beds on opposite ends of the room. The walls are off-white dry walls, and an opened door at the end of the room shows where the bathroom is. The room also contained a walk-in closet.

On one of the beds are some luggage bags and clothes. Apparently, your roommate has already checked in but must have gone out somewhere.

"So, this is it, huh? You must be really excited." Dan grins at you while putting your bags next to the empty bed. "I wonder if my room will look this good."

"I'm sure it's great." You smile at him cheerfully and hug him again. "Thanks again for all your help!"

"My pleasure." Dan scratches his head and maintains his wide smile. " want to hang out for a bit?"

Welcome to the University
Health 100 Equipment:

duffel full of textbooks, key card

Gender Female
Height 5’ 8”
Weight 121 lbs
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