Intruders: Two Professional Photographers and Four Female Models On a Shoot

From Create Your Own Story

Important Info
Inventory of Ghost
Condition of Intruders
Intruder Sightings of Ghost

You watch as a small van pulls up in front of your mansion and parks close to the front door. After a few seconds, several people get out. You count six. Five are female, the last male. You watch as four of the females stand around in front of the van, and the last female, and the male, open up the back and take out cameras and large canvas bags.

Then the guy and the five girls walk into your home. You see that everyone is carrying a bag.

You aren't certain what they are doing in your home, but all five women are very beautiful, and you think this might be fun.


The Photographers are Jake and Kelly.

Jake is tall and dark-haired, with a close cropped beard and an athletic build. He is dressed in a flannel shirt, jeans, boxers, tennis shoes, and socks.

Kelly is roughly average height. She has dark hair pinned up around her shoulders and wears wire-rimmed glasses. She is wearing jeans, blue t-shirt, tennis shoes, and the usual bra and panties.

The four models are Casey, Brandi, Michelle, and Amy. Casey is a redhead, Brandi is a brunette, and Amy and Michelle are blondes. They are all dressed in cut-off shorts and t-shirts, except Casey, who is wearing a plaid flannel shirt, tied in a knot below her impressive breasts, with nothing under it. Brandi is wearing cowboy boots, the others are wearing sandals. They all have several bikinis and several sets of high heeled shoes in their bags.

As the photographers start to set up for their first set of pictures, the models go off in search of rooms where they can change.

Casey and Amy go one direction, Brandi and Michelle go the other.

Who do you harass first?

Photographers : Jake and Kelly

Models : Casey and Amy

Models : Brandi and Michelle

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