Immediately return to put your dick back inside Susie

From Create Your Own Story

Before Susie knows it, you're back in her bed!

You barely register that Nurse Nancy must have forgotten about cleaning off Susie, thrusting your dick back inside her sloppy cunt and starting to rut her. With your arms in casts, it would look comical to any onlooker; to you it simply feels really good.

"Nurse! He's at it again!" Susie yells, not even bothering to try to push you away.

"Help! Unh... fuck," she grunts as you manage to find a position when you can drill her balls-deep.

For some reason Nurse Nancy doesn't come right away, so this time, you have plenty of time to fuck Susie properly.

"Nurse! Where were you!? He's like a wild animal," Susie hollers when she finally comes running in the corridor.

But by that time, you have built up a great swelling in your balls, and you cum so hard it feels like you'll be shooting holes in Susie's body with your cum.

It's only when an orderly comes to Nurse Nancy's assistance they manage to tear you away from Susie's ravaged body, and still you cum. To your frustration, you can't really aim your dick without hands, so it's by pure luck your final spurt catches Susie right in the eye.

"Eww! Nurse! If he does that one more time, I'm going to sue the hospital for rape, you understand?!" she angrily spits out while trying to get your cum out of her eye, but mostly just managing to smear it over her face.

Your last glimpse of Susie before the orderly drags you off is her cute belly and inflamed pussy lips with cum drooling down her ass crack. She looks beautiful when she's angry.

Soon you're tucked back into your bed, and the fuss dies down.

Do you:

Health Horny, with your arms in casts Location:

The Hospital

MP 0
Level 1
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