Hyde Road - Pull into the Motel

From Create Your Own Story

With snow coming down harder than you had originally anticipated the idea of trying to make the pass tonight is feeling too dangerous for you. As you approach the motel you decide it despite your reservations about the place you better stay here tonight.

You pull into the driveway, the sound of the gravel under your tyres as you pull into an available parking spot in front of the reception area. There is a man standing under the awning smoking a cigarette, he watches you through your windscreen as you turn off the engine. It's creepy, his long, dark hair pulled back tightly into a pony tail, and a thick bushy mustache, he has narrow eyes that are glaring unabashedly into your car. He is wearing a black leather jacket and faded black jeans.

This is exactly why you had your reservations about this place. You reach for your bag next to you. Well either you risk this place or you risk the pass?

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