How the city is going

From Create Your Own Story

"It's chaotic, as usual," the priest laughs. "Well, maybe a little more chaotic than usual. The election of this year's pirate prince is tomorrow, which means that hundreds of captains have come back from faraway seas to make a bid for the throne or just to vote. And there is war in the streets. People of Sartosa take politics very seriously, as you will not fail to notice. If our current pirate princess is re-elected for yet another term, her opponents will make even more serious efforts to assassinate her. If not, then her supporters will go on a vengeful rampage. Either way, better not get involved."

You can ask him useful tips for survival in Sartosa. If you feel you can trust him, you can also tell him about the shipwreck and your amnesia. If you do not want to talk with him, you can find something else to do in the temple of Sigmar.

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