Hold the dying girl in your arms

From Create Your Own Story

You take her in your arms and desperately try to staunch the blood flow. You quickly locate the wound and after what seems like hours of applying pressure, the blood stops leaking out of her. You improvise a bandage, load her in your car, and take her back to your apartment. She's unconscious but stable, and once you get her home, you clean and properly bandage up the wound. You count yourself lucky your uncle is a surgeon, and you used to watch him operate.

You strip off all her clothes and put her in your bed to recuperate. Two days later, her eyes flutter open.

"Who... where..." she moans. Her voice will be weakened permanently by the wound, you know, and she'll barely be able to talk louder than a whisper, but at least she's alive.

She comes fully back to consciousness. "You?" she whispers. "What happened?"

"You're lucky to be alive," you say. "And you are not at all hideous. Don't ever do that again, all right? I thought you were going to die right in front of me!"

"You should have let me die," she groans. "I am hideous."

How do you prove her wrong?

Health Horny Location:

Your Apartment

MP 0
Level 1
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