High Voltage/Same Here

From Create Your Own Story

"I've done the same," I muttered. "How can we fix this?"

"We just need to electrocute ourselves again. Preferably safely."

I zoned out, thinking about how incredibly dangerous that would be. Thinking about intentionally electrocuting myself was frightening.

"Anyway," he continued, "If we are going to be in these bodies for a little while, we need to exchange information.

I nodded my head. I told him all about my job. Fortunately, as a manager, I didn't really do much original work anymore. I just reviewed my engineers work. You could get by with little actual engineering knowledge just by asking them simple questions and observing their confidence when they replied. If they had an answer, then they knew what they were talking about and they were probably right. If they didn't have an answer, then they needed to go back and add some more detail. Jason told me more about Lauren. I worked as a waitress at a sports bar near campus. He told me my passwords and my upcoming school assignments.

"So," he said, "I can see your wedding date is now only three weeks away." He gestured to the stack of RSVP cards sitting on the table. "Coincidentally, I have to be at a wedding that day as well."

My heart rate increased. I wasn't engaged to Shawn was I? I looked down at my left hand and relaxed when I saw my finger was bare.

Jason must have observed my panic, "It is my brother's wedding, but I am a bridesmaid."

"We will just need to make sure we find a way to switch back before then," I said. There was no way I missing out on that honeymoon, and I wasn't about to allow this bitch to take my place. "I agree, and I think three weeks is plenty of time," he trailed on as he spoke. "The bachelorette party is this weekend, and unless you find a way to switch us by then, your attendance will be expected."

I groaned. My bachelor party was the week before and was a ton of fun and Jess's was the same weekend. She returned with so many penis themed items, I was not excited to be attending one myself.

We talked for another hour, exchanging more information, and then it was time to go. I bid my body farewell, returned to my car, and started driving to campus.

Should I:

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